Welcome to Landmark’s blog!

'our vision is to enable young people, especially those with additional needs, to gain the skills, confidence and qualifications to gain employment and become economically active citizens.’

19 January 2010

Tahiqul's story

My name is Tahiqul Islam and I’m about to tell you how I changed my life. When I was in school, I never focused in class and misbehaved. Eventually I was expelled and as a result my GCSEs grades were poor. I had no idea what to do so I used my initiative and went to Connexions. They advised me to stay in education and suggested to go to Landmark Training.

I was given a tour of Landmark Training. The place impressed me and I attended a two week induction where I got to meet other new learners. At first I was shy, but the group tasks we did, helped my confidence and make new friends. It was a nice feelings meeting new people and to initiate new tasks with them. Having successfully completed my induction I was assigned a key worker who helps the students get good advice and guide them through there journey on while here.

I did not want to waste another chance in my learning so I focused in class. The E2E (entry to employment) lessons were enjoyable because I was making progress. Eventually I passed my level 1 numeracy and level 2 in literacy. This made me really proud. However, just getting help with literacy and numeracy isn’t what they only do at Landmark.

I signed up for a 5 day course called Biz Academy hosted by Salesforce.com. We were put into teams and had to setup a business to do with youth work. The course helped me learn valuable presentation and team working skills.

As my confidence grew, I volunteered to represent Landmark at a presentation hosted by Telco. Telco works with communities in East London. There were other organisations being represented by their students, and I gave a short talk about my experiences at Landmark.

Having achieved my educational targets, and making a good impression at Landmark, I joined their WOW (World of Work) programme. I had to dress smart everyday and we got the opportunities to visit different organisations to see what job roles their employees do. This helped us identify what we want to do for our careers.

While on WOW, I took part in Tsu'Chu Biz. In groups we had to setup a business and play football to help us develop team working skills. My business was called ATS rising legends, a business about superhero comic books. I really enjoyed it as I love playing football.

At Landmark, I learnt that I should take all the opportunities I get. I was honoured to be selected as a co host for Landmark’s award ceremony in Oct 2009. I was nervous speaking in front of over 200 guests, but the many skills I have developed while at Landmark enabled me to take up the challenge. Since being here, I have become a more confident, organised and mature person. I am now currently Landmark’s Way 2 Work programme which will help me find an Apprenticeship.

PHOTOS (top to bottom): at BizAcademy in September 2008, Tahiqul's team receiving their cheque at Tsu'Chu Biz, and presenting at the Learner Awards in October 2009.

12 January 2010

Updates coming soon!

Hi there

Sorry for the recent lack of posts.

We'll be filling you in on what we've been up to over the last couple of months really soon including... a visit from MP Iain Wright, Global Enterprise Week, employer visits, BizAcademy latest, learners' stories and lots of photos!

If you are a Landmark Learner and you wish to write a blog post please speak to your Key Worker.

Bye for now!